I'll start today off with an update on Eowyn, she carried on with the Cone of Shame on her head for 24 hours. Then the slaves were nice and removed it from her, shame really as it was funny watching her trying to go up the stairs with it on.
Anyway, enough about her, what about me. Well I found my legs getting stronger. I kept staring at the kitchen side, willing myself to be able to see what the others get up to. They all prance around up there and I have never been able to join them. The more I stared, the more I willed myself up there, next thing you know there I was.
That big bushy thing next to me, yes, that is my tail. Awesome is it not?
When the male slave entered the kitchen I gave him my best innocent yet smug look at what I had achieved.
He was very impressed with me, I know this as he picked me up and gave me a cuddle. Sadly the fool then placed me back on the kitchen floor.